Thematic Working Group 12

From a Study of Teaching Practices to Issues in Teacher Education

Barbro Grevholm
From a study of teaching practices to issues in teacher education (Introduction)
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Jordi Deulofeu and Lourdes Figueiras
Inheritance problems in arabic algebra treatises. Can they stimulate future teachers' beliefs about mathematics?
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Ruhama Even and Tali Wallach
Student assessment: issues for teacher education
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Hagar Gal
Improving teachers' ability to cope with Problematic learning situations - The case of Eti
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Maria Goulding
How do prospective primary teachers assess their own mathematical knowledge?
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M. Kaldrimidou, H. Sakonidis, M. Tzekaki
Teachers' interventions in students' mathematical work: a classification
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Boris Koichu, Abraham Berman and Michael Moore
Changing teachers' beliefs about students' heuristics in problem solving
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Jeremy Hodgen
Reflection, identity and belief change in primary mathematics
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Nicolina A. Malara
Future middle school teachers' beliefs about Algebra: Incidence of the cultural background
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Daniela Medici and Maria Gabriella Rinaldi
A teaching resource for teacher training
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Stephanie Prestage and Pat Perks
Towards a pedagogy of teacher education: from a model for teacher transformation
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Laetitia Ravel
Setting a new curriculum in a classroom: variability and space of freedom for a teacher
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Tim Rowland, Anne Thwaites and Peter Huckstep
Elementary teachers' mathematics knowledge and choice of examples
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Leonor Santos and João Pedro da Ponte
An experience in distance in-service teacher education
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Introduction to Thematic Group 12

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