Thematic Working Group 7

Geometrical Thinking

Jean-Luc Dorier, Ángel Gutiérrez and Rudolf Strässer
Geometrical thinking (Introduction)

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Claudia Margarita Acuña-Soto
The role of slope and y-intercept from the students perspective

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Maria Bako
Different projecting methods in teaching spatial geometry

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Nitsa Cohen
Preference of directions in 3-D space

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Ghislaine Gueudet-Chartier
Geometric thinking in a n-space

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Eszter Herendiné Kónya
The concept of orientation

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Catherine Houdement, Alain Kuzniak
Elementary geometry split into different geometrical paradigms

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Frantisek Kurina
Geometry - the Resource of Opportunities

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Nicoletta Lanciano
The processes and difficulties of teachers trainees in the construction of concepts, and related didactic material, for teaching geometry

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Victor Larios-Osorio
Geometrical rigidity: an obstacle in using dynamic geometry software in a geometry course

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Marie-Jeanne Perrin-Glorian
Studying geometric figures at primary schools - From surfaces to points

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Magdalena Prokopová
Students' conception of a point: a comparison of phylogenesis and ontogenesis

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Christiane Rolet
Teaching and learning plane geometry in primary school: acquisition of a first geometrical thinking

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Paola Vighi
The triangle as a mathematical object

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Introduction to Thematic Group 7

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